Friday, June 19, 2009

The Nightmare is over

The long dreaded nightmare that is SERE school is over. The one thing that I have been anxiously awaiting and dreading since I was accepted to flight school has come and gone. Cant say much about it except it probably ranks up there with the darkest time of my life. I'm home though and that's what counts.
Now I have aero-med and primary flight to look forward to. I thought that I was gonna have some time off but it looks like the bubble has disappeared and I am hopefully starting next weekend. Turn on the fire hose and let the information flow


Brenna said...

I am so proud of you Jaren! Darkest week of my life too! I love you!

Gwen said...

You are posting here again. YEAH! I'm glad you got SERE school over. It sounded pretty intense from what Brenna said. We are so happy for you and proud of all that you are doing.