Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Slowly Improving

Not much has happened since the last post. I've been sick and haven't bee able to run much. I cut about 20 seconds off of my 5 mile pace of last time but that's pretty negligible. I felt better after the weekend so I decided to run on Tuesday. After 2 miles I was sucking wind pretty bad. It felt like I was running at 10,000 feet. I figured I should stop so I didn't make myself sick again. Now its just about getting my momentum going again to work out everyday. My new shoes make running a bit more enjoyable and for that i'm greatful.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Begining

After looking at some of the other blogs around I have decided to document my flight school and military experience on this blog. I won't go back and tell the backstory of the past year because Brenna has documented it pretty well over the past few months. You can read her blog if you want to know the fun that has been presented to us over the last 10 months trying to get into flight school.

About 4 weeks ago I found out that I was accepted into the Army Warrant Officer Flight Training program. Since then I have been hard at work making sure that I don't fail the school right as I get there. The first trial is the Physical Fitness Test otherwise known as the PT test. Situps have always been my main trial. My core strenght has been terrible over the past few years. Life, marriage, food, and school have all come together to keep me from working out and as a result I have gone from 155 pounds and 10 percent body fat when I got married 4 years ago to 175 pounds and 27 percent body fat. The goal is to get rid of as much of this extra fat as possible before shipping out December 29. So far we're doing pretty decent. At first I lost 5 pounds but gained it back again on a climbing trip two weeks ago, however, I have continued to lose the body fat and am now down to 20 percent. Hopefully it will keep coming off before I leave. I couldn't have asked for a worse season to try it with Thanksgiving and Christmas coming up. All I know is that I need to run.

Four weeks ago I started running again and almost died running 9 minute miles for two miles. Now I can hold about an 8:45 minute mile for 5 miles. The goal is to get that down to 8 minutes before I leave. Its time to start running every day. I hate running. Did I mension that.

Here are some pictures of me this summer. It shows the sad state of affairs my body is in. Yes I did finish an Olympic distance triathlon but not in as good of time as I did a year ago.

Yes that is my gut hanging out the bottom of my shirt.