Monday, April 6, 2009

The Bubble

I'm officially out of my first "bubble. We arrived around the middle of February to beautiful Fort Rucker, Alabama and I haven't had a thing to do up until last week. My schedule included waking up at 5:15 am so I could be at PT (Morning Workout) by 5:45. We either run a couple of miles or play Ultimate Frisbee. After PT I would go home for a couple of hours and return for morning formation at 10:00 am for about a half an hour. Once that was over I was all done for the day. Life was rough. Let me tell you. Oh yes, I was getting paid also. We got the house put together, kind of. and got our garden and flowers put in (I hope they survive). Mostly it was sitting around getting used to the new environment. So far I am loving Active Duty.

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